Daisypath Graduation Tickers

Daisypath Graduation tickers

Sunday, May 29, 2011


my gangs and i went to AYAM PENYET RIA at Sunway before left for our hometown.. (for others ar.. as for me ade ke hometown??hahaha)
after submitting our hardcover thesis to GBS..
last moment had lunch together as a team..
best team ever.. i call it big family members during my Master time..
they are one of the best chapter in my life..
n i do care n love all of them..
we went thru had happy and hard time together..
supporting each others (well as human we do have conflict but manage to handle it professionally)
n i'm glad to have them in my life..
psstt...as always piccas of the day! ;D

posing after submitted thesisAlign Center

happy facesAlign Center

adik n me

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Flowers n I

hye people....
it is common for gurls to like flowers rite??
so i'm one of the gurls...
but of course i got different type of favourite flower..
those who really know me well will know it.. ;D
n it is different comparing with others gurls..
so.. i really enjoy my time when it comes to accompany my buddies to buy flowers for event..
i will be in different world n it does change my mood..
the colours, different shape , smells does make me extremely happy..
so enjoy the piccas ya.. ;D

MBA Group C --- 2009/2011

as promised this is the video...simple but yet memorable..
n his even promise to upload colour version after this..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

choc chips!

fairuz miss ur choc chips.. ;D
wanna have some.. ;)
by the way. dont be sad..
smile ya.. :D
u can always lend my shoulder dear!!

U the MAN!!

i tot only magician can do magic.. but i admit i was wrong..
ordinary people can make magic..
he did it!!
he is THOR version of us...
n it proven to me simple move, action or one perfect words can make a different..
huge different..
once again he did it!!
n i adore u buddy!!
when each and everyone of us miss the best moments we had...
he just make video of it..
simple but yet memorable..
n all of us feel bless n touched..
n u just picture it perfect when used black n white version..
sometimes colors are colorless..
zillion thanks buddy!!
and thanks for making my nite n my day!!

*** sorry no video uploaded at the moment..use my other lappy... will be uploading the video soon on my blog.. ;D


ok..seharian try booking ticket for family.. pg td pala pening.. aiyakk...
so mmg telan ubat dan tido..
org ckp tido ni syiok n best..
but for me tido lame2 pening pala..lg pening..
x productive lsg.. tp tido mmg heaven ar..
cume jgn overdose ok..
actly ade mende nak coret..
but i guess better i kept it personally..
huhuhu.. sometimes it better left unsaid rite..
so wanna try to get some sleep..
tomorrow got event..
urmm lupa ckp..kete rosak kan..my wira tu..
so nak g event sok org jemput..
tq.. mmg suker semak2 ni..haha. ;D

psst.... this week nak g beli ingredient cakes..dpt recipe br form fren.. oreo cheese cakes..
so kne try.. hahaha..nanti rajin wat extra kasi kawan2 mkn ok? ;D

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

--L0w blOoD--

here again..
for the past 3 days i'm not feeling well..
yeah I might looks tough outside but inside sometimes i'm not..
maybe I kept pushing my limits..
bz running here n there..
try to be anywhere, anytime when people need me.. (hahaha..poyoss)
try to solve world issues, love issues, friendship issues and others people dilemma (budget superpower ar ni)
but seriously I exhausted!!
dunno y.. maybe effect since last semester bzness.. (btol ker spelling tu??)
but i declare myself.. I'm damn lethargic...
n i guess it contributed to the mix feeling emotions lately..
get mad easily, turn to be passive, and become more more sensitive.. (aiyakk hate this feelings.seriously)
n too bad it does effect my health indirectly..
2 days almost faint.. now i can feel that i'm having low blood pressure again..

Dear Allah,
please grant me with good health , become a happy person again..
guide me when im feel lost..
n help me to find good jobs..
ohh not to forget..
ampunkan dosa ibuku-- Lailawati Lawi..
semoga rohnya dikalangan org2 beriman..
dan semoga kami berjumpa di padang masha.
ampunkan dosa ayahku-- Safaruddin Mohammad..
berikanlah kesihatan yg baik dan semoga beliau murah rezeki..
untuk kak long and aki.. semoga murah rezeki.. dilimpahkan kesihatan yg baik dan menjadi anak solehah n soleh..

so people!! hope u guys have a better day and grant with good health too.. amin. ;D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011


Past is a good place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay.
It's okay to look back, just remember: keep moving forward!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

u rock!!

enough sad story and conflict ..
back to the real me..
happy me!! hihih...

so i went to my buddy convocation.. he got ANC award..
n i'm happy for him..
u deserve it..
n thanks for being supportive no matter what it is..

oh yeah.. that day i'm also meeting new friend. tq to NUA n BEN also..
so enjoy the picca!!

= Her & Him =

i think we are the one who are leftover..
the truth there is other girl who suffer behind it..
u are my buddy too..
i hope u do understand..
friendship is something you carried away along the journey..
n relationship much more bigger that that..
u are the one who always be no 1 in his heart, u are the one who will take care of him, giving birth for him.. so u should trust him n urself..
but i guess due to the different background..
u only have beasties with the same gender which is girls only.
but he different.. he got both.. girls n boys..
if u can see there is many things we do just to make u happy.
we keep distance.. we try to make u happy..
n i guess u don't see it due to jealousy..

as a human being.. i do made mistake.. n i apologize for that..
but believe me.. at the end u will count on friendship when u have problem in ur relationship..
what goes around comes around..
once again i apologize for being less sensitive for you..
n i pray the best for both of u..

*u need to learn how to trust ur friends, partner and yourself darling..

Friday, May 20, 2011

3B1 ;D

godek godek my lappy.. guess wat??
i found my old picca's!!
well.. i guess i miss them so much..
that is what i'm trying to tell people..
original team!!
urm..its no harm to make new friends.. but not appropriate for all occasion..
sometimes we need time to be in our group members.. (our own moments)
sometimes the more the merrier..
suit well with the environment.
n i do miss the moments..
happy for new friends but not to forget your old friends too..
be more sensitive and respect your friends..
not make joke of it.
enough said..
i enjoyed the moment together.
when we are not stranger..

= tajuddin proud husband =
=i miss my bro who are more sensitive n caring=
= hi nikmah, hye yeney. miss both of u =
= here u go.. my sengal buddy!! =
= US =

= happy faces =
= we got each others during ease n hard time ;D =
= i'm sorry i know i hurt u too =
= arin.. proud husband n proud daddy!! =
= makchiks :P =

i miss her

she is m best buddy..
n she married..
i guest that make hard for us to catch up..
but she n i know that we still have connection n care about each others..
psst.. gonna spend my time with her for her BALI honeymoon.. sooon... ;D

Tony Roma's!! Kid Eats for FREE!!

finally i'm able to update some news for my "ari2 terakhir" as a MBA student's.. (10 May 2011)
so before everybody went back for their home town we went to have our last lunch date together as a classmate..
as expected around 5 peoples are not able to make it due to their commitment..
no problem.. we will have our next "makan2" before convocation ok??
enough story telling.. let me show the pictures.. a lots ok!!
*adohai..update isu ni mula ar rindu blk.. (well good things n sweet memories will remains in our heart rite ;) )

aj, xerra, izi, wieda and lyd (adik)
-i heart u all-
chem n me
pheww pheewiitt
i make abid n chem do this action.. K-POP ;D
me n my best buddies!!
senyumm :D
atul n xerra
strongest mama ever! kak aniz n maz
here we again ;D
another shoot!! second time forcing.. ;D

wan, atul n maz
hot mama!! nurul, E n D
me, hanee n amar