Daisypath Graduation Tickers

Daisypath Graduation tickers

Friday, November 25, 2011

UiTM oHhhhh UiTM

kalo dulu mendapat pendidikan di UiTM
kini.. miahahh miaahh miaahh...
menjadi salah seorg tenaga yang bersama-sama mencuba untuk memberikan pendidikan kepada generasi-generasi muda..
erkks!! teett!! tua sgt ker??
masih muda ok!! teett!!!
masih..sempat perasan ok..
by the way.. sorry guys.. its been a long time since my last update about my colorful life..
kalo update pon kisah sedey je kan..
sure kowang burink kan..
me too!!
owhh!! mesti kowang blur..
because i never mention that i took an offer to be a lecturer at uitm..
aishh.. this is another story..
if i got time i will write at my blog k..
by the way.. actually i got nothing to do ni..
so i spend my time while conducting exam sambil ber blogging..
so 2 in 1.. effective kan..
cian my students.. sejok2 jawab exam..
plus dieorg tak boleh blk this week because they have to attend program before graduated..
since this is their last semester rite..
urmm.. so good luck u olss!!
miss ni actually tengah boring plus sleepy sgt!!
urmm.. biase ar.. since im an active person kalo duduk saja mesti borink!!
psst!!! x sabarnye nak bis exam..
mlm ni nak gerak to PENANG!!
what!?? yeah!! its PENANG again!!!
my buddies wants to celebrate my bufday there at our fav spot!!
happy!!! oppss.. this year dah brape kali ni turun penang?? =P

Thursday, November 24, 2011

i miss my mom

i miss my mom!!
seriously i do..
late nite yesterday...
looked back at old pictures made me cried..
between 2.30 am... tears drop again and again..
smpai i have to go to the middle hall so that no one heard that i'm crying badly....
maaa.. i miss u... i'm feel lost and i wish u were here to hugs, kisses, and told me what to do..
u know what.. my students asked me whether i'm closed with you or not since i barely talks about you..
like a bullet.. it go direct to my heart and killed me in one second..
i'm shocked and speechless..
the said i looked paled and pause for 2 minutes..
i'm not blaming them since they does not know that u are not around anymore..
but seriously deep inside it does hurts me a bit since i miss u so bad..
november is my birthday and i hope u still around just like before..
maaa... i miss u.. i miss u.. seriously i do..
i hope u doing good there..
may ALLAH bless u always..
and al-fatihah..
rest in peace and i do love you..
you and abah are the best thing that ever happen to me ..

Sunday, November 20, 2011


hye hye hey hey my beloved students!!
maybe they don't know it..
i love them so much!!!
they gave me energy every time i'm down..
remind me to be a good lecturer ..
plus.. they like my other part!!
hooyeahh!! heell yeah!!
since i'm stuck in this place kan..
so every time sees their faces.. jokes that makes me laugh..
that the reasons y i keep smiling and trying my level best to protect and teach this kids..
so guys!! i'm might be too secretive about my personal life.. even my fb, twitter & blog..
but deep inside i do think about you guys k!!
eh eh eh.. melalut kelaut..
actually nak wish good luck to my GLOBAL MARKETING student!!
specially for BBIB5A & BBIB5B..
good luck guys!!
i gave u tips already!! hope you can answer it well!
my prayer with all of u..

Sunday, November 6, 2011


ok... entry kali ni pelik sikit...
asal tah tuliss..
tp mmg pelik...
die jeles?? tp naper??
x de pe pe..
plus... die bz.. i bz...
tp jeles?? perlu ker??
x de pe pe..
arhhhhh!!! benci ar!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

november again!!

ding dong bell!!
can u hear the ring bell??
hehehe.... happy but at the same time worries!
nervous too...
aiyakk!!! meningkat umor!! tak syiok!!
but yg penting kekal awek muda ok!!
so agak2 dis year byk surprise party g x??
excited tunggu ni!! ;D