arghh.... malu jugak nak buat entry ni..
tp dh tak boleh blah...
everyone complaining about my current weight..
hooyeaHhhhh.. yea yea yea.. i gain weight!! so what??
tekanan ok org dok bising2.. (tibe2*)
especially my family members..
but that for my own good kan???
nak wat cmner.. dh nak naik..
mslhnye bkn mkn byk sgt pon..(giler tak byk!!)
ooyeahh!! i gave up sport after school!! so welcome to weight gain world fizie!!
plus.. kalo x makan bising suwo mkn..cmner?? cube ckp..
nak pergi gym?? bkn x nak.. x sempat.. plus tgh freeze kan kot account tu.
tgu ar.. dh ok g blk.. ok??
tp sebnrnya normally x ar kisah sgt..
but lately.. everyone complaints..
plus I bump with my fwens last month.. at event..
the hardest and worse part he said "I almost don't recognize u.. u look chubby rite now!!"
ohh shiTT man..hahahaha.. (gelak2 dlm ati sakit ja)
laki ckp lagi pedih ok..serious..
blom lg bump into my teachers, lecturers.. aiyakk..
kalo boleh sekarang ni tarah2 lemak yg berlebihan ni..
saper nak? i sedia donate!! hihi..
FOC.. no hidden charges!
lagi stress sbb nak konvo!! wahh giler..
tau x budak2 ni betting turun weight.. even boys.
so mau tak cuak!!
owhh..tekanan lagi..double dose ok!
n the best part hooyeahh!! welcome to the hell world!
AMAR and AZWAN already lost their weight..
so fizie u better watch out!
or else u end convo with this current weight!!
so say BIG NO TO FAT!!!!
but what should I do since cutting foods does not effect me..
sedey ar.. mlm ni pikir strategy lain pulak.. sob sob..
arghh!! tekanan!! bluek!!
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