alhamdulillah since graduated from my MBA i received several call for interviews..
and i did secured 3 jobs.. unfortunately i have to reject that offers..
however!! aishh.. ni yg nak start bebel2 marah2 ni.. huhuhu..
ade segelintir org tu yg tak tau ape2 sibok cakap macam2.. ckp ungrateful ar ape ar..
hey people!! study first before commenting ya..
i have my own reasons...
nak tau sgt kan..
u know ker how much my expenses every month??
plus how far the place from my house??
plus what post and how much their offer??
if not.. shuts ur mouth ok!!
geram tau..
bukan taknak.. cube pikir logik..
gaji die kasi less than i earned before..
plus another two better offer but i did my own calculation..
not worth it..
so think first before judge me..
is not u are the one who will be working..
its me.. huh..
however.. i'm not blaming ur guys..
ni pon type2 sbb nak sedapkan ati jekk..
urmm.. next week got interview..
the post that i never replied..
this company call me and wants me to go for an interview..
so y not.. give a try rite?
so pray for me people..
tq.. hugs!!
sbar cik pijie..u know wats best 4u k?all d best anyway..hope kite sume dpt keje bgus cepat2
ReplyDeletesmin..insyaallah.. i'm depress n sedey rite now.. :(