kalo dulu mendapat pendidikan di UiTM
kini.. miahahh miaahh miaahh...
menjadi salah seorg tenaga yang bersama-sama mencuba untuk memberikan pendidikan kepada generasi-generasi muda..
erkks!! teett!! tua sgt ker??
masih muda ok!! teett!!!
masih..sempat perasan ok..
by the way.. sorry guys.. its been a long time since my last update about my colorful life..
kalo update pon kisah sedey je kan..
sure kowang burink kan..
me too!!
owhh!! mesti kowang blur..
because i never mention that i took an offer to be a lecturer at uitm..
aishh.. this is another story..
if i got time i will write at my blog k..
by the way.. actually i got nothing to do ni..
so i spend my time while conducting exam sambil ber blogging..
so 2 in 1.. effective kan..
cian my students.. sejok2 jawab exam..
plus dieorg tak boleh blk this week because they have to attend program before graduated..
since this is their last semester rite..
urmm.. so good luck u olss!!
miss ni actually tengah boring plus sleepy sgt!!
urmm.. biase ar.. since im an active person kalo duduk saja mesti borink!!
psst!!! x sabarnye nak bis exam..
mlm ni nak gerak to PENANG!!
what!?? yeah!! its PENANG again!!!
my buddies wants to celebrate my bufday there at our fav spot!!
happy!!! oppss.. this year dah brape kali ni turun penang?? =P
kalo dulu mendapat pendidikan di UiTM
kini.. miahahh miaahh miaahh...
menjadi salah seorg tenaga yang bersama-sama mencuba untuk memberikan pendidikan kepada generasi-generasi muda..
erkks!! teett!! tua sgt ker??
masih muda ok!! teett!!!
masih..sempat perasan ok..
by the way.. sorry guys.. its been a long time since my last update about my colorful life..
kalo update pon kisah sedey je kan..
sure kowang burink kan..
me too!!
owhh!! mesti kowang blur..
because i never mention that i took an offer to be a lecturer at uitm..
aishh.. this is another story..
if i got time i will write at my blog k..
by the way.. actually i got nothing to do ni..
so i spend my time while conducting exam sambil ber blogging..
so 2 in 1.. effective kan..
cian my students.. sejok2 jawab exam..
plus dieorg tak boleh blk this week because they have to attend program before graduated..
since this is their last semester rite..
urmm.. so good luck u olss!!
miss ni actually tengah boring plus sleepy sgt!!
urmm.. biase ar.. since im an active person kalo duduk saja mesti borink!!
psst!!! x sabarnye nak bis exam..
mlm ni nak gerak to PENANG!!
what!?? yeah!! its PENANG again!!!
my buddies wants to celebrate my bufday there at our fav spot!!
happy!!! oppss.. this year dah brape kali ni turun penang?? =P
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