Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
LAUGH out LOUD part 2
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
mak!! miss u!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
BBQ yo!! eh eh eh.. bufday celebration too!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
28 Nov 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
EPPY bufday ABAH !!!
abah!!! eppy born-day!! luv U!! semoga panjang umor murah rezeki ya..
then the most important semoga kita satu family sama2 dpt pergi MAKKAH bersama-sama wat haji..
aishh..biler name nak naik nih.. hihihi.. hajat abah ni….
panjang umor murah rezeki ya! syg ABAH sgt2.. tak lupa mak ku yg dirindui.. muahh..
semoga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat ke atasnya.. AL-FATIHAH..
so semperna bufday abah.. me n syafiah buat kek istimewa n choc chips..
tp kek tu jd tak chantek sbb lame tak wat.. n syafi yg decorate.. hahaha.. kanak2.. hancus my cake okies..
pecah2 diatas.. hahaha.. nak potong konon… senget.. hihi
tp yg penting rase sgt sedap okies..hihi.. yummy!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Lemang Berator!! ;D Selamat eiduladha!!
well well..wat can i say!!! people change, environment change, policy change n even hari raya celebration also change!! hihihi..
n sg buloh also change!! maiahaazz.. did u know there are a lot of people selling lemang along the road compare to hari raya!! n the worst it made the traffic jammed! but i like it so much.. i said.. more merrier!! happening compare to hari raya dis year.. miahazz.. dun believe me?? see the piccas!! even though its already 10.40 pm..huhuhu..
kankankan.. see i told u!! so sg buloh became more like KELATE, TERENGGANU when they celebrate HARI RAYA QURBAN merrier than HARI RAYA…
n the besh part… lemang pon berator!! hahaha..cute giless.. suker!!!nk tau panjang mne.. dr kedai mkn sg buloh tu membawa ke sekolah teknik hingga ke kuang.. cayalah!!leh msk MALAYSIA BOOK of RECORDS.. ;D
n maksu this picca spesel for u ar!! n singapore family members also.. miss u guys!! muahhh.n lastly SELAMAT HARI RAYA.. MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN..
Monday, November 15, 2010
.: rindu kowang sgt-sgt!! :.
ehh ehhh eehhhhh.. aaahhhhhhhhhh!!! dgr tak??
jerit panggil kowang blk sini!!
rindu okies.. giles sunyi... pulang ar weh!!
sob sob sob!! miss giler2... XOXOXOXO!!
hanee, wani, ayeq, lid, maz, ida, izi, razin, abid, amar, n classmates!!
tak lupa finiey, ayu, zana, nik n emy!!!E jugak.. kak wida, ehh semua ar!!!
cepat blk sini!!!! okies...
aper – aper pon kowang cepat blk!!!! leh g picnic n panjat broga same2..
kali ni sila sediakan SLR okies.. br impact gmbr lebih maksima!!
muaaaahhh.. XOXOXOXO!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
**U & ME**
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Adventure can lead to real happiness!!!
tulung2...i wish i can turn back time to that moment.. yes yes. adventure can lead to real happiness! totally agreed and I admit it..
tido sambil nanges??????

Thursday, October 28, 2010
tp blaja masih blaja.. maut lg tu.
siap tak tido lupa nak mkn..
tp..apekah silapnyer??
adakah kami ni yg bersalah?
atau adakah caranya yg tidak sesuai?
atau mmg kami tak phm aper2 yg di ajar?
aishhh.. tak elok mengeluh.. tp im totally depressed because one of this paper.. FINANCE
ALLAH.. please make me pass excellent for this paper..
for all of us actually..
tak mao re-sit and face it again..
owh.. tidak!!!
shutsss... i got sumeting to tell u..
sbb sgt keciwa kami pon makan di kmpg baru..
then lepak dpn KLCC mcm pati gilo!! berok msk KL..
pkol 1.30 am.. finally we made a decision n when to GENTING!!!
try to forget the sadness.. tp lame2 pikir gak kan.. aduhai..
aper2 pon kami enjoy ar..
lebey2 lagi perkena TEH TARIK n NASI LEMAK PANAS kat GOHTONG!! yumyumyum!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
raya to SOMBAN!! n short gateway to MELAKA
Monday, September 13, 2010
1st day of hari raya!
dah raya dah..asal tah mcm sekejap jerk posa tahun nih?? sedey sungguh dah abis.. n alhamdulillah, me, posa penoh thn ni..bkn sng okey pompuan nak posa penoh..
so mcm biase... mlm raya sejak mama tak de kami berkompol ke KUANG!! abah's kampong!!
lepak ramai2.. ngan cousin2... n maksu n paksu!! eppy sungguh!!
sbb aper eppy?? sbb dpt $$$$$ raya!! hohoho.. our policy selagi blom kawin n masih study dpt duit raya!yes yes.. that y i luv u ar my uncles n aunties...pastu sengih2 mintak maap miahaz..makan2 smpai bloted!!
sbb tahun ni raya ari jumaat, so kami blk shah alam lambat sikit..nenek mcm biase feeling2.. lambat smpai. ye ar.. wat more can i say.. cucu fav!! ahahaha... smbung makan lg.. tp mcm pelik thn ni extra lak cucu nenek!! sbb kawan aki, wan tu sibok raya ngan kiteorg..hahaa.. cian die x dpt blk kg..miahazz
so picca for dis year!! smile!!!n maaa.. rest in peace ya.. Al-FATIHAH.. always miss u.. XOXO!
Friday, September 10, 2010
break fast end of RAMADHAN
Thursday, September 9, 2010
last day of RAMADHAN
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
* touching + feeling lebey *
episode 2
ko mmg BEST!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
chicken rice shop!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
proud to be MALAYSIA ^_*
on top of that!!! HAPPPYYYYYYYY INDENPENDENT DAYYYYYYY MALAYSIA!!!! 53 years old already!! hope we going strong and unite!!
mcm biase... arini pon kami lepak..wlpn bufday gurl tak de..kakakaka.... biase ar.... g dating ar..ape lg...smbut bersama org tersyg kot..kokokokokoko
million thanks for my MR baby yg tlg gak usaha gigih nak uploadkan video tu..really appreciate!! u the besh ya!! tq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
*misi puteri 2 sekampong*
and today my turn lak!! abah siap dh tanyer..arini pas terawih tak g mne2 ker?? hahaha...opsss....mcm leh bace lakss....abah ni mmg teror ar..lantas "abah nak $$!! dh alang2 tanyer tu kan..." kihkihkih... muaaahhh..u the best dadddy ar BAH!!
did i tell u guys about last year terawih scene?? hahahaha... it all happen when both of us craving for CAKEE!!!! we are CAKE LOVER!! so wat??!! we dun bother about calories when its bacause of cake.. kikikikiki..ok ok..criter bermula begini....... and jenab..mcm biase..abih jerk terawih wat ar food hunting..tibe2 aritu..minah ni lupa laks bwk tudung.. pikir punyer pikir punye pikir sampai tak terpikir, i as usual come out with this idea... y dun we wear our telekong.. i have to accompany her since takkan die nak malo sowang2 kan..lantas..jeng jeng jeng..kami pon menyerbu ja secrect tu dgn telekong.. ala2 umrah gitu u ollss..
aper lg..semua yg didalam tu terkejot pontianak ar kan... kahkahkah..mesti ingat pocong ar tuh..hihihii..sampai2 kat maamat cashier ni tahan2 gelaks lak..lalu...dgn spontan..both of us..aabg nak gelak gelak je ar..sbb kami pon nak gelaks..kahkahakah...twos..terburai dekah2 ketawa die..
pedulik aper kan..yg penting misi berjaya!! CAKE!!! cant take my eyes over u!!!! muaahhh
=ketam bertukar sotong=
"angah, abah rase angah masak sambal sotong lagi besh..teringin nak makan.. "bangg!!! shutt myself...